📸 In 45 pictures: Life at the Warriors' Street in Kaabong

Eddie Ssejjoba
Journalist @New Vision
Sep 12, 2021


KAABONG - Life begins from the Warriors' Street in Kaabong town, Kaabong district and spreads elsewhere.

It is here that residents, both men and women and children gather every evening for merry-making. (All Photos by Eddie Ssejjoba)

Attilio Pacifici, the EU head of delegation being wrapped with a shawl on arrival at the youth skills development workshop in Kaabong town as Jules-Armand Aniambossou (L), the French ambassador looks on. This was on September 01, 2021. (All Photos by Eddie Ssejjoba)

Attilio Pacifici, the EU head of delegation being wrapped with a shawl on arrival at the youth skills development workshop in Kaabong town as Jules-Armand Aniambossou (L), the French ambassador looks on. This was on September 01, 2021. (All Photos by Eddie Ssejjoba)

They drink, dance, laugh and chat till the sun sets. Young girls also come to the street to announce their presence.

Here, people trading in alcohol, place drums full of the local brew and sell it cheaply.

It is said that many Karimajong residents consume alcohol as an alternative to food, that if one is hungry, they better take alcohol to kill the hunger.

Phillip Lomoe, a graduate of skills development program explains to one of the EU delegates how he was enrolled into the program.

Phillip Lomoe, a graduate of skills development program explains to one of the EU delegates how he was enrolled into the program.

Alcohol is sold in the open and the customers don't ask for chairs to sit.

In other places, people gather to buy the sniffing glue.

Karamoja 4x

Karamoja 4x

Many begin by asking for 'jalibu' (sample) and either choose to buy or reject depending on the sweetness or aroma.

Maria Hakansson, the Swedish ambassador talks to a mother.

Maria Hakansson, the Swedish ambassador talks to a mother.

Others sell food, a mix of beans and maize popcorns and cassava.

During the COVID-19 lockdown, many leave after the police and Local Defence Unit and the army start making surveillance and ask them to leave.

Here, is a source of happiness and many say the street helps them to kill stress. The old people are often seen walking to meet old friends and chat.

But the European Union has other plans for Kaabong.

During the day, the EU delegates visited a number of youth who have been trained under the Skilling Uganda project, which passes on life-long skills to mainly unemployed youth.

They get skills in tailoring and fashion and design, simple mechanics, building and construction, hairdressing, among others.

The project, it is projected, will help many youths get jobs or create their own employment.  


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