Why you need to secure your digital footprint

Joshua Nsimbi
Guest Writer @
May 06, 2024



Gone are the days when social media was perceived as a passive channel where we could go to skim through different interests with no concern for the trail we left behind. Through the years the breadcrumbs you and I leave behind while browsing the internet, connecting with friends, searching for the trends eventually leave a thread that connects to define your digital footprint and when left unchecked can entrap rather than empower you.

We are all data points in this ever-expanding digital ecosystem. Emails, contacts, photos, and social connections – the information we leave behind paints a detailed picture, sometimes more revealing than we intend. While the internet empowers connection and exploration, it also demands our vigilance.

On one hand, online anonymity can be liberating. You get to explore hidden talents, connect with like-minded communities, and express yourself freely. This can be particularly beneficial for those who might feel shy or marginalized in real-life settings. The carefully curated persona can boost self-esteem, fostering a sense of accomplishment and belonging.

On the flip side, the same anonymity can lead to a dangerous game of comparison where you can get sucked into highlight reels, comparing your messy reality to others' seemingly perfect lives. This constant comparison can chip away at self-worth, leading to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety. This is the darker reality that lies beneath the digital age.

Well not all is lost but it takes intention and finding your balance to define your digital and taking proactive steps to ensure that it remains a positive force. These are the top 5 priority tips you can adopt:

  1. Curate with Caution: Think twice before you share. Consider the potential impact on your future employers, colleagues, family and avoid oversharing personal details like birthdays, addresses, location or phone numbers.

  2. Secure Your Accounts: Strong, unique passwords are your first line of defense. Avoid the temptation to reuse passwords across platforms, and consider a password manager for added security.  Enable two-factor authentication for an extra layer of protection.

  3. See through the Bait: Be skeptical of unsolicited messages, emails, or social media posts with enticing offers. Don't click on suspicious links and double-check website URLs before entering login credentials. Phishing scams lurk everywhere.

  4. Mind Your Reputation: Take control of your online narrative. Regularly search for your name to see what information appears and take steps to remove inaccurate or misleading content. Build a positive presence by engaging in constructive online activities.

  5. Practice safe browsing habits: Public Wi-Fi is convenient, but avoid accessing sensitive information on these networks. Consider a VPN for added security. Be selective with downloads, sticking to trusted sources.  Finally, keep your devices and software updated to patch security vulnerabilities.

Protecting your digital footprint is a continuous process that takes deliberate action, caution and constant learning. So, let’s stay vigilant and keep our digital doubles safe.

The writer is a  Performance Marketer

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