Govt to align 90% of NDPIV programmes to SDGs

John Masaba
Journalist @New Vision
May 24, 2024


KAMPALA - The Government says an effort has been made to align the upcoming fourth National Development Plan (NDPIV) to the sustainable development Goals (SDGs).

Onesmus Kansime, the senior programme officer of knowledge management in the Office of the Prime Minister, said on Thursday, May 23, 2024, that at least 90 per cent of the programme has been structured in such a way as to speak to the goals.

He was speaking during the Leave No One dialogue organised by the United Nations Association of Uganda (UNAU) at the Noble View Hotel in Kampala.

The event was among others organised to sensitise journalists on SDGs for effective communication to the citizenry.

SDGs, also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

A core tenet of the SDGs is the concept of ‘no one left behind’ — that sustainable development must help people regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, income, disability or geographic location.

Kansime admitted that the push to achieve the goals is facing some challenges, including financing.

He said, however, that some "robust" domestic revenue strategies are being worked upon, adding that these are geared towards empowering communities economically.

"After you have economically empowered them, you can then come and tax them. It is one way of revenue mobilisation being considered," he said.

UNAU secretary general Richard Tinkasiimire Baguma said even though the United Nations requires countries to report on the progress made through the voluntary national review (VNR), it has been difficult to assess it on some goals. (Credit: John Masaba)

UNAU secretary general Richard Tinkasiimire Baguma said even though the United Nations requires countries to report on the progress made through the voluntary national review (VNR), it has been difficult to assess it on some goals. (Credit: John Masaba)

"The other thing we are talking about is sustainable debt financing. No country can develop without debt but then how sustainable is that debt? What do the debts do and what are their outcomes?"

He said one of the threats is that in the 2024/2025 national budget, debt financing has increased which could affect the programme's financing, as this is likely to dwindle funding to local governments which are key partners in the implementation of the goals.

UNAU secretary general Richard Tinkasiimire Baguma said even though the United Nations requires countries to report on the progress made through the voluntary national review (VNR), it has been difficult to assess it on some goals.

Referring to goal 16, he said this was problematic.

The goal encourages countries to promote peaceful inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.

"There are roadblocks, " he said, adding that this is especially so with corruption.
According to him, Uganda does not also report on the indicator for press freedom yet it should.

"So we should be pushing at least with the voice we have," Baguma, a retired journalist, said.

According to the UNAU president, George Muwanguzi, although there are 17 SDGs, Uganda will only report on five in the upcoming voluntary national review (VNR) in New York in July.

Uganda’s delegation to the UN is expected to be headed by Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja.

VNR is one of the ways to measure the progress or the lack of it towards the attainment of the SDGs by a country.
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