Theft, vandalism threaten sh500m Rukungiri irrigation scheme

Adolf Ayoreka
Journalist @New Vision
May 13, 2024


RUKUNGIRI - Residents of Rukungiri Municipality are concerned over the increasing theft and vandalism of equipment of the Rwakabengo irrigation scheme.

The scheme, which was constructed by the Government, through the water ministry under the directorate of water for production is located at Rwakabengo village in the municipality's southern division.

Rwakabengo irrigation scheme is seated on 11 acres where 10 acres consist of sprinklers and one acre with drip irrigation where farmers are planting high value crops like cabbages, onions, tomatoes, and green peppers.

“Thieves have become a menace to our project. When the ministry installed sprinklers on 10 acres, they were all stolen the next day. We made a report to the office of RDC and the good thing, is the ministry was able to bring for us more sprinklers to enable the project serve the purpose,” Richard Murangira, the chairperson of Rwakabengo irrigation scheme water user committee, says.

According to Murangira, two weeks ago, thieves broke pipes and stole their sockets, which led to the arrest of a suspect who was later released on police bond.

Murangira told New Vision Online that they now remove all sprinkler heads whenever they are not being used.

“We are doing that to ensure that our project stays and serves the agenda of the Government transforming us from into commercial farmers” he adds. 

The revelations were made on Friday, May 10, 2024, during the commissioning and official handing over of the Rwakabengo Irrigation Scheme to the farmers.

RDC tips farmers

Rukungiri  Resident District Commissioner Steven Nsubuga Bewayo told the farmers to devise means of guarding this project. This is because as a district, they don’t have enough security personnel to deploy on their gardens.

“They can raise money within their association and hire a private guard to keep the project under tight security,” Bewayo said.  

Steven Nsubuga (C), the Resident District Commissioner for Rukungiri flanked by other local leaders and water ministry officials cut the ribbon to commission Rwakabengo irrigation scheme on Friday. (All Photos by Adolf Ayoreka)

Steven Nsubuga (C), the Resident District Commissioner for Rukungiri flanked by other local leaders and water ministry officials cut the ribbon to commission Rwakabengo irrigation scheme on Friday. (All Photos by Adolf Ayoreka)

Rukungiri municipality deputy town clerk Prosper Tagobya told farmers to create an environment that is not conducive for thieves to scare them away from vandalising their project’s equipment.

“You can use your local intelligence to arrest a thief to serve as an example. This will scare away all those who would want to come and steal from your gardens,” Tagobya said.

He, however, advised farmers to ensure that the project transforms their lives by producing commodities for commercial purposes not just for home consumption.

“You need to start saving after selling commodities because the project will require you to do minor repairs in case of any breakdown,” Tagobya added.

He asked the municipality's agricultural officers and other extension workers to guide farmers on the best practices.

Eng. Brenda Ainembabazi, from the ministry, who represented the permanent secretary, told farmers to keep records to be able to monitor their income inflows from the commodities they sell.

“Make sure after selling commodities, save some money that you will be able to reinvest in the project by buying manure and doing minor repairs, The ministry will be coming in for major repairs like pump breakdown. The district officials should also continue sensitising these farmers and extend support like security where you can,” Ainembabazi said.

Bewayo further advised farmers to mobilise more farmers to join the association since it is the agenda of the Government to see the socio-economic transformation at village level.

“This is a good opportunity for us to see that our farmers are going to be planting throughout all seasons without depending on the rainy season and this will increase agricultural produce,” Bewayo said.

Residents commend government

Denis Ngabirano, a resident of Rwakabengo, said the project will leave an indelible footprint in Rwakabengo and that it is going to cause change as far as increasing their income is concerned.

“It is good that in the dry season, other farmers in areas where there is no irrigation scheme will not be planting, and for us, we shall be smiling to the bank because we shall have water to irrigate our crops, we commend the Government for prioritising Rwakabengo” said Ngabirano.

Rwakabengo irrigation scheme pumps water with the use of solar energy from Rwakabengo swamp before it is collected to the three reservoir tanks each with a capacity of 10,000 litres and flows by gravity to the gardens.

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