I do not need your help, Pallaso tells off Alien Skin

Acleo Tugume
Journalist @New Vision
May 10, 2024

Singer Pallaso has scoffed at the fact that his brother, Weasel, apologised on his behalf upon visiting enemy Alien Skin at his home - Fangone Forest - located in Kizungu zone, Makindye, a city suburb.

Pallaso and Alien's beef stemmed from a physical altercation  in 2023.

The fight between the two extended to their fans, who exchanged words on social media. This resulted in the two musicians having parallel concerts on the same day, cementing their enemity.

To add insult to injury, on Saturday, May 4, a zonked-looking Weasel decided to go to Alien Skin’s home - Fangone Forest - in Kizungu Zone, Makindye in Kampala to ask for a collabo.

Weasel stated that he has always wanted to do a project with Alien Skin, but he feared to anger Pallaso. At the visit, Weasel apologised to Pallaso in absenture  for 'betraying' him and contacting his 'enemy', Alien Skin.

Weasel went on and bragged about being rich in soul, that his heart is pure and free from hatred and jealousy.

Alien granted Weasel a collabo.

"Please stop abusing Pallaso. If Weasel  managed to come and choose me among all musicians, then God had a reason for everything. Let me have him as my friend and he is always welcome to Fangone Forest," Alien said.

On Tuesday, May 5, 2024, Pallaso, during a live conversation on TikTok, gave a response following the development. 

“Alien Skin, who are you to order people to favour me? Stop fooling yourself and promising yourself and your people the impossible. Stop thinking that you can make me  change my life. There is nothing you can do to me. You cannot manage me. I am a class ahead of you. Leave me alone. I am very okay. I do not need your help. Instead, it’s you who needs help," Pallaso said.

Some musicians, however, hailed Weasel for taking steps towards mending ties with Alien Skin despite Pallaso's objection.

"Weasel has no reason to hate Alien Skin. He cannot help Pallaso to harbour hatred. If  Pallaso cannot reconcile with Alien Skin, then let Weasel be the bridge to unite them," Kalifah Aganaga said during a telephone interview.

During a TV interview, Lydia Jazmine clarified that she was a friend of the late Mowzey Radio and she is still friends with Weasel. Weasel and Mowzey were a duo under GoodLyfe Crew.

Jazmine said she speaks to Weasel often, revealing that even on May 7, they communicated.

She, however, expressed displeasure over the circulating videos on social media, showing Weasel in a seeemingly drunken state.

“Weasel is my brother at heart. We have been friends for a long time, where our friendship turned into family. I always ask him if he is okay or not. However, he always tell me he is fine. I saw the videos circulating all over social media. Whoever recorded those videos of someone in a such a state was wrong.Weasel is still in pain over losing his best friend  - Mowzey Radio. He has never recovered. He is still stressed and depressed. People should leave Weasel alone. He is still going through pain. Please try to understand people with problems and let them be," Jazmine pleaded.


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