I had mental health challenges, Exodus reveals

Alfred Byenkya
Journalist @New Vision
May 13, 2024

Dancehall gospel artiste Exodus has vowed to reclaim top spot in the Ugandan music industry.    
After so many years of not releasing music due to mental health challenges, the Ganja Man hitmaker decided to come out and speak about them publicly during radio, online and television interviews.          

He told  New Vision in an interview during gospel artiste Titus Kuteesa's show at Lugogo Hockey Grounds on Saturday, May 11, 2024 that he is ready to do music again.

"I have been having personal battles, but I have overcome them through counselling and prayer. I have been missing the industry, but finally, I am now back on stage," Exodus, real name George Lubega, said.        
He revealed that he is back in studio recording a music album that will be released at the end of the year.                                                        

"I'm working on an album, but I will be releasing the songs in bits because I don't want to over work myself," Exodus stated.      

 On mixing and working with secular artistes, he said that he will continue doing it because it's one of the ways of preaching the gospel.

"This is what we have been doing with Levixone (gospel singer). Our friends from the mainstream music industry shouldn't be neglected or sidelined and be looked as people not interested in spirituality because many of them pray from the different churches of their choice," Exodus added. 

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