Sports can build bridges of patriotism, says PLU leaders

Lawrence Mulondo
Journalist @New Vision
Mar 22, 2024


Sports can build bridges of patriotism in the country, the Patriotic League of Uganda (PLU), a non-partisan body that is working tirelessly to revive state pride and Ugandans' essence of good nationality, has said.

In its quest to promote patriotism, unity and peace in the country, PLU has embarked on incorporating sports into its working strategy.

On Friday, the league launched the Informal Sector tournament which is to see groups from over 15 sectors in Kampala city participate in different games, including football and netball.

Groups to participate in the tournament include taxi drivers, mechanics, boda boda riders, market traders, hawkers, bouncers, saloon attendants, butchers, bus operators, and cleaners, among others.

Michael Nuwagira alias Toyoto (extreme L) a senior leader in the Patriotic League of Uganda (PLU) handing jerseys to leaders of boda boda riders in Kampala in preparation for the Informal Sector Tournament. (Photo by Lawrence Mulondo)

Michael Nuwagira alias Toyoto (extreme L) a senior leader in the Patriotic League of Uganda (PLU) handing jerseys to leaders of boda boda riders in Kampala in preparation for the Informal Sector Tournament. (Photo by Lawrence Mulondo)

While launching the tournament at Old Kampala Secondary School on Friday, Michael Nuwagira alias Toyota, a senior leader in PLU, said sports is one sector that brings people together regardless of their political affiliation, religion or ethnicity.

“We want to use the tournament to help all Ugandans understand that they can benefit from their country as they love and put it first wherever they go,” he said.

He further explained that away from promoting patriotism, PLU led by Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba, wants to identify hidden talents that he said will help reach the international stage.

Nuwagira added that they have invited international sports scouts whom they expect to help them pick a team from the participating teams that will be representing the PLU informal team in the national leagues.

“We want to promote sport within Ugandans who will be able to fully make use of the many different stadiums that government and the private sector are currently putting up around the country,” he explained.

Rashid Sekindi, the chairperson of taxi drivers in the country and chairman of the organising committee of the tournament appreciated the PLU and Muhoozi for promoting unity amongst city dwellers.

“Kampala was known for politics and tear gas; however, this has changed following different interventions by Gen. Muhoozi. People are now peaceful and look at working to develop their livelihood and country at large,” he said.

He explained that often people have talents but fail to get platforms to nurture them. He said the tournament will not only lift talents but help people be physically fit to work and develop their country.

Ssekindi assured that although the tournament has started in Kampala, it is to be organized in other districts of the country to further promote unity and patriotism.

Mike Mutyaba, the chairman technical organising team of the tournament, explained that each team has to present an album with 25 players that they are not allowed to change until the semifinals of the tournament.

The sixth guideline of the tournament says teams are responsible for their fans' discipline. If a fan commits an offence it will lead to the dismissal of their team.

Michael Nuwagira alias Toyoto (extreme R) a senior leader in the Patriotic League of Uganda (PLU) interacting with guests during the launch of the Informal Sector Tournament. (Photo by Lawrence Mulondo)

Michael Nuwagira alias Toyoto (extreme R) a senior leader in the Patriotic League of Uganda (PLU) interacting with guests during the launch of the Informal Sector Tournament. (Photo by Lawrence Mulondo)

Edward Ntare, the chairperson of the Uganda Arcade Traders and Entrepreneurs Association, cautioned participants against politicising the tournament, emphasizing that PLU, the organisers, are not political.

The teams that are to participate in the tournament were handed new jerseys and balls, among other sports equipment.

Tomorrow (Saturday), the tournament is to begin with a match between the PLU leaders and Uganda Cranes legends in the morning and in the afternoon, there will be boda boda riders and arcade traders.

PLU expects its national leaders and the newly appointed Chief of Defence Forces, Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba, to officiate at the awarding ceremony of the tournament.

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