Arsenal fans gear up for Premier League trophy party

Ignatius Kamya
Journalist @New Vision
May 18, 2024

At a time when there is a call from the Parliament PR guru, Chris Obore, for Ugandans to stop watching the English Premier League, a section of celebrities are taking the opposite direction. They are calling upon everyone to catch the last games on Sunday, May 19, that will determine the league winner. 

Just when most people that follow England’s top division football, the English Premier League, feel the title is going to Manchester City with only one match day remaining which is to be played on Sunday, Arsenal fans mostly those in Uganda have got other ideas. They think their team is to overtake the citizens to clinch the title, which they are two points short of Man city.

While addressing journalists at Riders Bar, Bukoto in Kampala on Friday afternoon, May 17, they called upon fellow Arsenal supporters to join them as they watch their team clinch the title.

Media personality Miles Rwamiti said its going to be more of a get together of Arsenal fans, where they will get to celebrate the long season that they have had and the incredible achievements they have reached through out it.

He said they will also be entertained in numerous forms as there are lots of talented Arsenal fans in Uganda that will be joining them and he cited the example of singer Bebe Cool.

Media personality David J Kazoora said nobody expected them to get to this moment and so they consider it a victory that is worth celebrating.

The two urged Arsenal fans to avoid doing anything that could put their lives at risk.

It should be remembered that last season in January 2023, a number of Arsenal fans were arrested for celebrating their victory over Manchester United in a game that put them in pole position to win that seasons league.

They were having a convoy in form of a trophy parade through Jinja city and their arrest was because they didn’t inform Police about their procession.

Despite all those celebrations Arsenal lost the title to Manchester City who were winning their third consecutive title.

Perhaps a saying that goes that they learnt nothing and forgot nothing clearly reflects on Arsenal fans as still this year, despite Man City being in the lead, they are still organising a party to celebrate a title they are yet to win.

Regardless we wish them well and we shall be there to see them joyful or in tears again for the 20th time.

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